by Kendra Cunov | Jul 6, 2018 | Fierce Grace, Life Advice, Pleasure, Purpose, Power
Intuition is a deep and nuanced word that gets thrown around casually a lot. I believe we all have the capacity for our intuition to be one of our superpowers, but, in order to develop that capacity, it must be correctly understood. Because intuition is such a hot...
by Kendra Cunov | Jun 29, 2018 | Fierce Grace, Life Advice, Pleasure, Purpose, Power
Wisdom resides in every part of your body. Wisdom resides in every part of your body. Wisdom resides in every part of your body. While there is deep wisdom in every part of your body, I have also discovered that specific parts of the body work in certain ways. For...
by Kendra Cunov | Jun 21, 2018 | Fierce Grace, Life Advice
We are born into a realm of living in physical bodies. We are more than our bodies, but we are also our bodies and I believe the body we’re born into is part of the path we’re meant to walk this lifetime. It’s a different experience to walk through this world in a...
by Kendra Cunov | Jun 14, 2018 | Life Advice, Pleasure, Purpose, Power
Pleasure is a loaded word for many women. Most of us think pleasure means ‘sex’ or ‘sexy,’ which often implies ‘for a man or partner’. Culturally, female pleasure is a commodity—it’s been co-opted for the male gaze. As a result, many women reject their pleasure...
by Kendra Cunov | May 8, 2018 | Life Advice, Pleasure, Purpose, Power, Relationships
With all the talk of legacy work and leaving a (powerful) legacy – what may actually be the most important piece is your relational legacy. We all leave a relational legacy, whether we intend to or not. In every moment of relating, we create impact or legacy. ...