The Power of Polarities

The Power of Polarities

We live in a realm of dualities, polarities & pluralities, and there are infinite polarities in this world.  The attempt to make every part of the universe fit into ONE facet of these polarities – Masculine/Feminine – is not only squelching our true creativity...
The Collective vs. Fierce Grace

The Collective vs. Fierce Grace

One of the questions I often get from women who want to dive into the work I offer is: “What’s the difference between The Collective and The Fierce Grace Incubator?” Or: “Which one should I do first?” The truth is, there is a lot that is similar about The Collective...
Authenticity, Success, and the Middle Way

Authenticity, Success, and the Middle Way

There is an interesting interplay between what we call success and authenticity, both of which are incredibly subjective, and as such, must be defined by each of us for ourselves. And in defining these aspects of ourselves and our desired path in life, It’s important...
Why ‘Follow Your Heart’ Is Bad Advice

Why ‘Follow Your Heart’ Is Bad Advice

From the title of this blog, you might already be thinking, how can it be bad advice to listen to your heart? Is it really bad advice to be in (deeper) relationship with your heart or to allow your heart to lead in various ways at various times? Of course not! It is a...

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