by Kendra Cunov | Apr 29, 2020 | Life Advice, Relationships, Source & Spirituality
We cultivate devotion by what we make vows to, then continue to show up for whether we feel like it or not. These practices work with devotion simply as energetic because cultivating devotion towards anything cultivates devotion in your life. So while we may be...
by Kendra Cunov | Feb 5, 2020 | Life Advice, Relationships
Learning from nature is not necessarily about getting things on an intellectual level, but having a direct experience of being in nature and having the lessons drop into our bodies organically. So take the ideas below and find a way to be in nature and see what she...
by Kendra Cunov | Dec 21, 2019 | Life Advice, No Man Diet
One of the questions I often get from women around The No-Man Diet is if I’m already settling for crumbs in relationships, why would I go from that to nothing at all? Isn’t that more like starving? This is the great misconception of The No Man Diet. The process is not...
by Kendra Cunov | Dec 21, 2019 | Life Advice, No Man Diet, Relationships
Most of us agree that choice in relationships is important. But what does it really mean to choose to be in a relationship? If we feel we can’t exist without the other person, or we are desperate to not be alone, this is not a choice. Convincing ourselves we...
by Kendra Cunov | Sep 4, 2019 | Life Advice, Relationships
One of the chronic complaints I hear from mostly women around their mostly male partners is they want to feel lead in their relationship, they have a longing and a desire that their partner take the lead in their family life & their love life, so they don’t have...