Getting Clear on Commitment

Getting Clear on Commitment

It’s OK not to be committed to things. There is an underlying assumption that commitment is better than no commitment, but that’s not always true. An overarching theme in all my teachings is choice, and the precursor to choice is honesty – being...
Emotional & Relational Nutrients

Emotional & Relational Nutrients

One of the most important parts of self-knowledge and right relationship is understanding your emotional and relational nutritional needs — the things you need in a relationship to thrive (not just relationally, but physically as well). While we all know...
How to Turn Conflict into Connection

How to Turn Conflict into Connection

Most people view conflict as something to be avoided, but every conflict can be an opportunity to create deeper intimacy and connection. What usually happens when we’re in conflict is we replay our childhood programming and wounding, and we unconsciously try to get...

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