Finding True Success With Breath

Finding True Success With Breath

Pause and take a breath. Now tell me, did you inhale or exhale first? Almost always when I ask somebody to take a breath, they inhale first no matter where they’re in their breath cycle. Many people relate to their exhale as secondary, or irrelevant, but I believe...
Getting through the Dark

Getting through the Dark

At some point in all of our lives, we will find ourselves lost in the darkness (or confusion) within us. For many of us this is a regular occurrence -sometimes for long periods of time, other times short – sometimes there is a discernible cycle & other times...
Complaints Are Lazy Desires

Complaints Are Lazy Desires

All human beings complain and this is not necessarily a bad thing. In fact sometimes, especially in the personal growth world, we try to avoid complaining because we think we need to “take responsibility,” and we end up pretzeling ourselves around the complaint that...

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