by Kendra Cunov | Apr 10, 2019 | Fierce Grace, Life Advice
Pause and take a breath. Now tell me, did you inhale or exhale first? Almost always when I ask somebody to take a breath, they inhale first no matter where they’re in their breath cycle. Many people relate to their exhale as secondary, or irrelevant, but I believe...
by Kendra Cunov | Apr 5, 2019 | Boundaries, Life Advice, Relationships
No means no. We know this. We also know that regardless, many women say yes when they mean no and for a myriad of confusing reasons, they also say no when they mean yes, and this (understandably) confuses the hell out of men. Men are currently caught in two very valid...
by Kendra Cunov | Mar 29, 2019 | Life Advice, Source & Spirituality
At some point in all of our lives, we will find ourselves lost in the darkness (or confusion) within us. For many of us this is a regular occurrence -sometimes for long periods of time, other times short – sometimes there is a discernible cycle & other times...
by Kendra Cunov | Mar 18, 2019 | Fierce Grace, Life Advice, Pleasure, Purpose, Power
I had an interesting experience recently. A woman cut me off in traffic, and my immediate response was to imagine she had a good reason. This may seem small, but for me it was noteworthy, because I’ve not always been like this. Far from it in fact. In truth,...
by Kendra Cunov | Mar 8, 2019 | Life Advice, Pleasure, Purpose, Power, Relationships
When it comes to wants, needs, and desires, there is a plethora of work on everything from how we discover what we want, to how we communicate our desires in a way that invites someone to want to fulfill them, to how we meet our own needs (thank you very much!). The...
by Kendra Cunov | Feb 28, 2019 | Life Advice, Relationships
All human beings complain and this is not necessarily a bad thing. In fact sometimes, especially in the personal growth world, we try to avoid complaining because we think we need to “take responsibility,” and we end up pretzeling ourselves around the complaint that...
by Kendra Cunov | Feb 21, 2019 | Life Advice, No Man Diet
“Perhaps we should love ourselves so fiercely that when others see us they know exactly how it should be done.” – Rudy Francisco We often find ourselves waiting for someone to love us the way we want to be loved. We wait with the belief that, once...
by Kendra Cunov | Feb 16, 2019 | Life Advice, Source & Spirituality
“Participate joyfully in the sorrows of the world.” —Joseph Campbell A few years back I heard this quote by Joseph Campbell and as the times we live in have become increasingly tumultuous and hard to bear, it’s come back to me over and over again since. I...
by Kendra Cunov | Nov 20, 2018 | Fierce Grace, Life Advice, Pleasure, Purpose, Power
Last year, I published a blog that I’d written years ago with the premise of ‘hiding nothing’ from you. People loved reading it and have asked me for a follow-up. So here it is, part 2 of When I Hide Nothing From You. I’m still not officially...
by Kendra Cunov | Oct 31, 2018 | Fierce Grace, Life Advice
What I’ve found in the last fifteen years of working with people to find out what’s true for them is that most people already know and it’s often very close to the surface. The problem is they put buffers between themselves and their direct experience of their...