by Kendra Cunov | Jan 22, 2018 | Life Advice, Relationships
Today I overheard a man talking on the phone, saying “I don’t want you to feel unappreciated for everything you do,” and here’s what I wanted to tell him: Instead of telling people how you don’t want them to feel, treat them in ways that...
by Kendra Cunov | Oct 3, 2017 | Life Advice, No Man Diet, Relationships
One of the most common complaints I hear from the people I work with around their relationships is: “I just don’t feel met” Or: “None of the wo/men I meet have done as much work on themselves as I have” Or: “I just want….MORE” Part of me cringes every time I hear any...
by Kendra Cunov | Sep 22, 2017 | Boundaries, Life Advice, Relationships
The connection between boundaries and love is often misunderstood. Setting boundaries is perceived to be an act of pushing away, of putting distance between you and the other. But a boundary in its most sacred form is simply delineating between what happens within a...
by Kendra Cunov | Aug 25, 2017 | Life Advice, Relationships
A female friend of mine was recently sharing about a frustration she was having with her husband. Almost as an aside, towards the end of her rant, she slipped in surreptitiously something along the lines of ‘…and I’ve even offered him sexual favors and he still...
by Kendra Cunov | Aug 24, 2017 | Life Advice, Relationships
Over the last fifteen years of teaching, coaching and facilitating thousands of men, women and couples around relationship, intimacy and sexuality, I have come to believe that generosity is the cornerstone of any good relationship. No matter how much you love someone,...