As much as I want to tell you how amazing The No Man Diet is (which it is), and how incredible the community of women is (which they are), it is equally important to be clear about how to know if it’s not right for you (at least right now).

These are the questions we’ve been getting about The No Man Diet. If yours isn’t answered, please email us ( and ask!
Q: Do I really have to give up dating and sex? Why?
A: Ultimately, you have to answer those questions for yourself. I do not tell you what to, or not to, do in The No Man Diet. In the program, we spend two full weeks creating each woman’s unique container and agreements (with herself), because it’s so personal. However, I make a very strong recommendation that you give up all dating, sex and romantic relationships (yes, that includes those late-night booty calls to your ex!). The reason is that in order to truly create something new, you must truly let go of old habits, but not what you are really longing for.
Also, when you are filling your time, attention, and energetic space with relating that does not truly nourish you, there is no room for the kind of relationship(s) you truly want.

Q: What if I can’t make the live sessions?
A: There is no obligation to attend all live calls, and all calls are recorded & added to the member site within 48 business hours. The live calls are a great way to stay connected to the community, as well as to deepen in your own personal practice, so we encourage participants to add the call dates to their calendars right away!
Q: Am I allowed to hang out with my guy friends?
A: The short answer is: You are ‘allowed’ to do whatever you choose. The longer answer is: That depends. I would suggest paying close attention to why you need to hang out with them during this time? Each woman will have time to take an honest appraisal of her various relationships, and what will serve her deeper ‘why’ for joining a program like The No Man Diet at all.
Of course, The No Man Diet is not a nunnery, and all of us will come in contact with men, males, and/or people we are attracted to over the course of 17 weeks.
The No Man Diet will offer you an opportunity to become more and more aware of all the ways you use your interactions with men as a means of validation.

Q: This is a lot of money for me. How do I know if it’s worth it?
A: We completely honor that every choice about how to invest your money is worth considering consciously, and we want women to make an informed choice.
That said, you won’t know if it’s worth it unless you dive in. What we do know is that hundreds of women have shared that The No Man Diet has profoundly impacted their lives in deeply positive ways.
Q: I’m separated from my husband but still married, is The No Man Diet for me?
A: Absolutely! This could be the perfect container to hold you during this time.
Q: I’m not looking for a man right now – I’m looking for clarity around what I can ask for from a partner and what I need to be able to source elsewhere….is The No Man Diet for me?
A: This is actually the foundation of The No Man Diet. What I discovered during my own experience, was what my true desires even were. From there, I got right with wanting them, whether someone could meet them or not.
I also found all these ways that I was deeply fulfilled, alone. And it was the willingness to really surrender into the aloneness that allowed me to find the fulfillment. It’s one thing to conceptually understand, but it wasn’t until I walked the path that I really got (like, in my bone marrow) how deeply fulfilled I could be alone.

Q: Where is the Community Forum held (and do I have to participate)?
A: The No Man Diet community forum is a private Facebook group. We, like many people, have mixed thoughts & feelings about Facebook, and we have yet to find a platform that works as well for our needs, or encourages the level of engagement we have within The No Man Diet community space. There is no obligation to participate in the community forum! And, we have seen over & over how deeply supportive community connection is through this process.
Q: Can’t I just do this on my own? Why do I need to do your program?
A: The container is crucial.
It holds us when we have really good excuses, or reasons, for stepping outside it. My container was held and shared with many people—I was working with a coach the whole time, I shared it with other men friends, women friends and colleagues. I had a very strong support system. I was very clear about what I was doing, what the guidelines were and for how long – and my people were there for me through it all – especially the moments when I wanted to quit.
I can almost guarantee that, at some point, you will meet The One during this process, and fully convince yourself you’ve gotten the lesson and it is time to quit. That is when having the community of women, as well as myself to share and receive feedback honestly is invaluable.

Q: How much time will I have to commit to being part of The No Man Diet?
A: There is no set amount of time you must put into The No Man Diet, and there is no obligation to participate at any given level.
With that said, we strongly suggest attending as many of the four (90-minute) live group calls as possible.
Kendra offers a new teaching each week, and each video is between 60-90 minutes long. While one of Kendra’s signature teachings is ‘you can never be behind’ — it is helpful to set aside one day a week where you really have time to watch or listen to the teaching, and journal on how it applies in your life.
Most of the other practices you might put into place throughout The No Man Diet should fit into less than 30 min/day, or an hour each week.
You will also have access to The No Man Diet member site for a full 3 months after completion of the program, so you will have time to revisit the materials over time.
Q: What if I’m not a ‘group person’?
A: I’m not a group person either 🙂
And, as I said to my son yesterday: Humans are pack animals, and we all need community in some form. I’ve been working with groups for 20 years, and I know, beyond a shadow of a doubt, that our deepest transformation occurs in community.
If now does feel like the right time for you, we are excited to welcome you!
Q: When are the live calls (and how long are the calls)?
A: The best place for the most up-to-date call information is here. For Fall 2023, there are seven (90-minute) live group calls, as well as an opportunity to join two additional bonus group calls if you enroll early.
If you still have questions, don’t hesitate to reach out — email
With love,
Kendra & The No Man Diet Team