Radical Wholeness, Embodied Leadership, and Creative Fulfillment for Folks Who Give a Damn

8 months  •  12 people  by application only begins Spring 2025

There are so many false dichotomies being peddled widely (and successfully):

  • Women should do business and life from “the feminine” — and men from ‘the masculine’ — in order to be the most successful and in-alignment with our design.
  • If we’re working optimally, it will feel like flow…and if it feels hard or challenging, we must be doing it wrong.
  • In order to make the greatest impact, we must “play big” and have massive reach…
  • In order to be ‘deep’ and ‘spiritual’, we must disavow every part of the mundane world.
  • Living with an ‘abundance mindset’ means having it all and doing it all, and awareness of any limitations in your life are only ‘limiting beliefs.’

These beliefs keep us ping-ponging between extremes, feeling stuck, overwhelmed, and second-guessing ourselves as to how to reach our goals and live a life of meaning.

There is another way…

“I am not afraid, I was born for this.”
— Joan of Arc

This path is found inside the wisdom and knowing of your own sacred heart

Step out of binary thinking and into the truth of your own immense power.

When you can learn to dance with this wisdom, you can navigate polarities — like structure and flow, masculine and feminine, order and chaos, simplicity and abundance—with ease, and weave a life that feels authentic, vibrant, and joyful. 

Not to mention tapping into all that is available beyond polarities and binaries. (Hello mycelium!)

But there aren’t many places in our culture where we’re having these conversations, let alone learning how to live life in this way.

This is why I created The Fierce Grace Incubator.

When we embody Fierce Grace…

we sink into such a deep and incorruptible sense of belonging and fulfillment, that our longings and our choices arise in harmony with both our personal and collective good.

The Fierce Grace Incubator is an intimate 8 month mentorship, designed for…  

  • People who pause when they see the viral inspirational quotes flying around, in order to sit with the missing nuance.
  • People who really give a shit about our collective future, and are willing to engage the hard questions about what our lives & work are truly in devotion to.
  • People who are capable of shifting, changing, or even burning down our creations when it’s time to let them go.
  • People who want to be ever-more skillful at adapting to the times.
  • Folks who are willing to feel deeply, while also catching ourselves from spiraling into an endless internal abyss when shit gets hard. (Because we have people – including ourselves – to care for).
  • Folks with strong convictions, who are also willing to question ourselves.
  • Folks who want to sit in the mystery together, to build the more just, whole, and beautiful future we know is possible.

Program begins Spring 2025

We have big, important questions to grapple with

…and those questions impact our personal lives, our creativity, our businesses, and our world.

In FGI, we sit with those questions together, and return to a place of Fierce Grace again and again, in order to…

…find our deeper truth(s) — beyond habit

…cultivate our deeper intuition — beyond fear

…and tap into the deeper wisdom of our bodies — that is inherently woven together with the wisdom of the truth of our interconnectedness….to all other beings, and Life itself.

Remember Who You Are • Embody Your Wholeness • Change the World

In this container, I offer…

    …all the practices and tools, from 20+ years of training & practice, as well as working with thousands of people, to become the Master Weaver of your wild and precious life.

    Understanding how to weave these polarities uniquely in your own life, coupled with knowing how to access your inner compass, creates an unshakable ground of radical self-trust.

    With these tools you can let go of the need to know everything ahead of time, or always (only) make the right choice every time. You become free to explore, to play, to take risks, and even make mistakes — knowing you always know how to reorient back to what is most important and most deeply true for you.

    This is when you can truly enjoy the process!


    “If you feel even remotely called to Kendra and Fierce Grace… trust that.

    You can’t know the impact this will have on your life and relationships when you start, and that’s the beauty. I started the program right after the No-Man Diet ended because I was so anxious about my relational patterns with men, and I was scared to re-integrate without support. But I got so much more than that. I’m a COMPLETELY DIFFERENT person than I was before I started (read: more me) and that has impacted my career, my friendships, my relationships — everything. I’m receiving so much good that I never even predicted was possible before. So WHATEVER inspires you to say yes, give yourself the gift of trusting that one thing, because what you get will end up being SO much more than you ever expected.

    Also, Kendra holds her containers with a level of responsibility, integrity, and love that is unparalleled. So you can step into this knowing that you will be cared for and guided in a way that, in my opinion, should be held as the gold standard for all coaching and energetic work.

    In an industry that is full of big promises and high price tags that are often traded for highly problematic and even abusive dynamics, this is a space where you can breathe easy, receive support and community, and know you are truly safe to flourish.”

    —Jamie Jensen, Writer, Teacher, Creative, Entrepreneur

    Program begins Spring 2025

    About Kendra

      Kendra is a truth-speaker & a magic-maker…

      Fiercely devoted to the earth, and deeply caring for all beings, Kendra has a profound love for the human experience in all its forms!

      She has been walking the path of authentic expression, embodied leadership, and devotional practice for over 20 years.

      Kendra founded The Collective: A Global Web of Women Devoted to Embodied Wholeness. She also co-founded Authentic World, as well as The Relationship & Intimacy Training Salon and The Art of Fearless Intimacy (with John Wineland), and pioneered the practice of Integral Circling and the Authentic Relating Movement.

      Kendra has worked with thousands of men, women, and couples in the areas of embodiment, authenticity, leadership, and full self-expression.

      Kendra brings a deep and genuine care for people, as well as an extraordinary depth of insight, in service of people living truly fulfilling lives.

      Fierce Grace is who I am.

      This program is the offering of my entire life of study and practice, and what I learned and have come to believe about living, creating, and leading as a Whole Human in today’s world.”

      — Kendra Cunov

      It really is a gift to be able to work so deeply with Kendra in such an intimate setting.

      She is an expert at creating a wonderful container and leading you on a journey. Coaches are everywhere in the Bay Area and I have met plenty who don’t live a life aligned with what they teach. I don’t demand perfection, but I will only work with a coach who is speaking from a place of deep knowing. Kendra is 100% that person and brings so much wisdom and integrity to everything she does. Her background is very different from mine and I really appreciate that she brings that different perspective and experience. She is also very intuitive and may know what you need before you see it.”


      “Kendra is a fiercely loving force that any woman would benefit from working with.

      I have never seen anyone so devoted to the betterment of relating, both to ourselves and others. She is a truly inspiring force and a wellspring of wisdom and knowledge. If you want to improve the ways in which you relate to yourself and to others then working with Kendra is one of the greatest gifts you can ever give yourself.”

      Giovanna Capozza, Transformation Teacher & Coach

      Fierce Grace is an 8-month transformative coaching container

      Fierce Grace begins with a virtual retreat. Starting with visioning & deep intention, we will spend 3-days in a virtual retreat full of ceremony and ritual, building a beautiful foundation to start together.

      Each month, we will practice together.  Embodied practice, deep inquiry, and exploring beyond our own individual ideas of what’s possible.  Tools and practices that have immediate and practical application, and will serve you for a lifetime.

      One-on-one coaching and ongoing guidance from Kendra. Feel the power of having undivided space, attention, and ongoing tracking by Kendra for the incubation and birth of your life project.

      Live Group Coaching Calls.  A space to bring what’s most alive for you, and receive reflection.  All parts of your life are welcome, and these calls are a place where we can hash out the specifics of pricing your next program, or delve into unconscious ancestral contracts that are playing out in your life today.  We understand that all the threads of your life are connected, and we cannot pretend that what’s happening in your intimate life isn’t impacting your creative or work life.

      Expand your idea of what’s possible through community. See and feel what’s possible from the other women in the group. Become inspired, connected, and empowered to create your whole-life dreams.

      The Fierce Grace Incubator includes:

      • The Container: An 8-month transformative coaching container, impeccably held for your highest exploration and expansion
      • The Retreat: 3-day virtual retreat to dive deep and set intentions as we begin our journey together
      • Monthly Calls: Monthly calls for teaching and practice, PLUS monthly office hours for live coaching and Q&A sessions
      • Private Coaching: Three 90 min 1:1 coaching sessions with Kendra
      • The Community: Private virtual community of reflection, support & practice, plus a private membership site to access all content, teachings, resources, and call recordings at anytime
      • Private podcast feed: Listen to teachings and coaching call recordings on-the-go via your favorite podcast app. New “episodes” are automatically sent right to your phone.

      Additional Resources:

      • Kendra’s Fierce Grace resource list
      • Weekly reflection tools to stay connected and focused
      • Access to Kendra’s Library of Teachings, Practices and Tools
      • Access to Beyond Boundaries – a 4 week self-study program where you’ll immerse yourself in the beauty and possibility of boundaries ($197 value)
      • Access to the teachings & practices within Kendra’s Pleasure.Purpose.Power program ($1111 value)
      • A personalized archetypal journey to hold and guide you through your experience 8 months
      • Private membership site to access all content, teachings, resources, and call recordings at anytime

      Program begins Spring 2025

      The Investment

      To keep the integrity of the container,  acceptance into the Fierce Grace Incubator is by application only

      Paid in full

      Payment Plan
      6 payments of $1,525

      Program begins Spring 2025

      Additional Praise for Kendra & Fierce Grace

      “Kendra taught me to listen to and express my heart. There is no higher praise.” 

      —  L.M. 2019 Fierce Grace Participant

      “Fierce Grace completely changed my life in every way imaginable. I learned to trust myself and my inner knowing more deeply and through this, I put myself on a spiritual journey that has given my life a new meaning. I learned to navigate my friendships and family with grace and my relationship with my husband has become a profound source of beauty in my life. Kendra taught me how to see parts of myself that I had never noticed before—parts that had been waiting to emerge to help me reach my fullest potential—and how to harness them to live a more beautiful, peaceful and fulfilling life.”

      — Rachel B., 2018 Fierce Grace Participant

      What I have loved most about working with Kendra is that she can put words to the subtle things I am sensing. And by watching her do that, I am also learning that skill. And in that process my communication patterns are shifting and my experience of reality is more beautiful.”

      — Amy H, 2019 Fierce Grace Participant

      “Fierce Grace was that exact container that enabled me to step into my power as the leader I have been longing so much in my heart to become. I also learned how to access my own pleasure from within through commitment and total embodiment of sacred feminine practice while being held by an amazingly powerful and authentic group of women.  In such a crazy world that does not always want us to truly see, hear, love, respect and honor each other, I learned how important it is to be in community and sacred practice with other women where we can be open and vulnerable and celebrate each other’s successes and growth.”

      — 2019 Fierce Grace Participant

      This year in Fierce Grace, I stepped into my Fierce Queen. I now trust my intuition implicitly and have less fear in sharing my truth and my gifts with the world. I am more relaxed and playful in everything that I do and it has impacted my work, my intimate relationships and the world around me.

      There is a way that this experience has helped me to feel what being aligned actually feels like in my body so that I know when something is a yes and when it’s a no and I can trust myself. I have discovered that I have a deep love for working with women and building community where we can connect and support each other with no less than fierce love. Thank you Kendra!”

      — Erin Kinney, 2018 Fierce Grace Participant

      “This program changed my life. 

      I unearthed my intuitive wisdom, healed deep wounds, stepped into my power, and unleashed my magic. Kendra is one of the most inspiring women I’ve ever had the privilege to know — the embodiment of “Fierce Grace.” If you’re ready to do the deep work to powerfully transform your life in a sacred circle of women, apply for this program.”

      — Nicholette R.

      “Fierce Grace is incredible and is rich with infinite value. I’d take it again and again!”

      —C.M., 2021 Fierce Grace Participant

      “(In Fierce Grace) I learned a lot about my intuition and embodying energy and the range within that. Insight doesn’t feel like the right word as that to me feels like a flash learning. My learning in Fierce Grace feels slowly developed and sustainably embodied. I learned about my stories about being a woman and shifted how I experience myself as a woman. I saw how much I am a teacher. I also learned some nuances in my communication, my desires and my ways of relating. And the permission to be and feel all of it has been huge for me.”


      Program begins Spring 2025

      Still have questions?

      Send a message to info@kendracunov.com

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