A 5-day in-person immersive retreat

September 17-21, 2025 • Whispertree Retreat Center • Boonville, CA

There are some experiences that can’t be had online.

I started my teaching journey over 20 years ago by leading large in-person groups, and over the past decade, I’ve been repeatedly surprised by the depth and intimacy we can truly create online and in virtual spaces.

I’ve made real friends online.
I’ve created real, lasting community online.
I’ve guided hundreds of people in real transformation online.

That said:  there are experiences that can’t be had online.

Sharing food.
Late nights around a fire.

To name a few.

Bodies being in place together matters.
Touching the earth together matters.
Hearing the wind in the trees together matters.
Arriving hungry & eating delicious food together matters.
Hot tub soaking under the stars matters.

In this season of my life I feel the call to gather people in person; I am devoted to connecting people more deeply to land & place.

The Pleasure.Purpose.Power immersion retreat is 5 days & 4 nights of wild gathering — live & in person — where we’ll dive deeply into our embodied experience & expression of Real Pleasure, Deep Purpose & True Power.

The path to healing the world is through women embodying true pleasure, living their purpose, and stepping into their power.

Pleasure is the beating heart of life.

We live in a culture that conflates pleasure with sex, and has led us to believe that both are sinful and cannot be trusted.

This incredibly narrow definition stops us from seeing the truth: True pleasure is about cultivating a profound, ongoing relationship with what feels good in our lives. When we develop an awareness of real pleasure—the kind that nourishes and sustains us—we unlock a new way of moving through the world. Instead of building our lives around avoiding discomfort, we can create from a place of desire, clarity, and connection.

Pleasure is not separate from purpose or power. When we attune to what feels deeply right for us, we gain the clarity to move toward our purpose with ease. We cultivate a grounded, embodied sense of power that comes from alignment rather than force.

This retreat is an invitation to explore that relationship—to not only rediscover your own pleasure but to let it guide you toward the success, fulfillment, and impact you’re meant for.

Discover how pleasure lives in, and moves through, your body — and how to unlock your access to it.

Gain a felt-sense of what true pleasure is — distinct from the junk-food options sold to us by advertising and porn.

Create practices for experiencing pleasure in your day-to-day life — that feel both expansive, as well as safe and accessible.

Purpose is who we are, while we’re doing whatever we do.

We’ve been taught that purpose is what we do—something we’re exceptionally gifted at or something that has a tangible outcome in the world. As a result, we get stuck trying to figure it out, silently judging ourselves for having no purpose at all.

But the truth is: our purpose is who we are, not what we do.  Our purpose is dependent on nothing, and we can devote ourselves to living our purpose, no matter the circumstances.

Magic happens when you devote yourself to living your life’s purpose wherever you are, in whatever you’re doing.

In this retreat, you will get in touch with the Purpose that wants to live through you, as well as how to bring this Purpose more fully into your life.

Get in touch with the Purpose that wants to live through you, as well as how to bring this Purpose more fully into your life.

Explore how to live your purpose every day — regardless of the circumstances you find yourself in.

Step into your purpose in a way that feels authentic, grounded, and powerful.

Artwork by Tina Maria Elena

Power is the natural by-product of connecting with life force & aligning with our deeper purpose.

Many women I work with are afraid of their own power.

They “play small” and limit themselves in order to satisfy other people. They feel afraid of being “too much” for the people around them. When we do this, we make our power about the other person—as opposed to about ourselves.

On top of that, history has repeatedly given us bad role models of power, and as a result, we hold back our potential—to the detriment of our lives and the world around us. But power is not what we’ve been led to think it is. When we practice in the realms of pleasure and purpose, we are organically led into our true power. 

With practice, we can expand our capacity to be with ourselves and the energetic expression of our power. With practice, we’ll know when to be a raging wildfire, when to douse the fire, and how to contain the fire without either dousing it or letting it loose destructively.

In this retreat, you will experience your own Power in a way that benefits all, and that allows you to create more of the world you truly know is possible.

Experience the true power that resides within you — and release blocks you may have to expressing that power.

Learn how to move through the world in a powerful way, making confident choices so you never second-guess yourself again.

Explore embodied power in a way that is truly connected to the betterment of all.

Magic happens when women gather.

We aren’t meant to wake alone, eat alone, get ready alone, work alone, and come home alone — only to try to ‘self-care’ ourselves into feeling better about living in a way that is antithetical to our human & our woman nature.

It is essential to our well-being as women to gather; to tend to space & each other together; our deepest gifts for the world are birthed when we come together.

In this season of my life, I feel the call to gather people in person; I am devoted to connecting people more deeply to land & place.

Kendra & ‘Return to Source’ retreat participants

The Land

We’ll gather at Whispertree Retreat (formerly Bell Valley Retreat) in Boonville, California. Whispertree is nestled between two ridges and makes up a sub-watershed of the Navarro River, offering miles of trails and expansive, pristine views of Anderson Valley.

Only 2.5 hours from San Francisco, CA, this gorgeous retreat center gets you up close and personal with Nature – and yourself again. Let your nervous system regulate to the pulse of the earth, turn off your cell phone, and feed your eyes, mind, body, and spirit with the beauty of Nature.


View the photo gallery below for more images of Whispertree

Enjoy gorgeous and cozy accomodations

The accommodations at Whispertree are thoughtfully designed to inspire rest, inspiration and reconnection.

Some lodging options are more secluded and immersed in nature, some are closer to the dining & practice area. Please let us know if you have any physical needs or limitations we should be aware of when making room assignments.

There are shared bathrooms for all rooming options. A limited number of solo rooms are available. All participants will have their own bed.

View more images 

Feel nourished with delicious meals (and desserts!)

Nourishment by the delectable Ru Praskin, you can count on being well-fed with locally-sourced, organic meats & vegetables, with all foods needs being taken into account lovingly & deliciously (and plenty of protein!).

Listen to the wisdom of the earth, the quiet whispers of your body, and truth of spirit.

Lean into the most luscious support as you discover the unique weave of your passions into reality, and share the stories only you can tell.

Join Kendra Cunov in person for:

  • Guided embodiment
  • Tuning in to your pleasure as a guide
  • Guided and co-created ceremony & ritual
  • Discovering & expressing your truth
  • Listening to your Wild Body
  • Practices for self-regulation, co-regulation & regulating with the more-than-human realm
  • Deep, nourishing rest
  • Being held
  • Listening to Land
  • Connecting with the Wild Bodies of other women
  • Following your Yes & your No
  • Expressing desires relationally
  • Having a visceral experience of your boundaries
  • Exploring the mystery together
  • Magic


The honest to God truth is: as powerful as my teaching is online, the real magic lives in the in-person. Those that join us will not leave the same — energetically, physically, emotionally, or at a nervous system level. The power of transformation we can offer in-person is exponential.

As a woman…

To embody pleasure, live your purpose, and know your power is a revolutionary act.

Details + Logistics

When: September 17–21, 2025. Arrival is on Wednesday afternoon, September 17th. Our closing circle will complete by 10:30am on Sunday, September 21st. 

Where: Whispertree Retreat Center in Boonville, California. (Only 2.5 hours from San Francisco, CA.)

Your registration includes:

  • 4 Nights, 5 Days of gorgeous, cozy accommodations
  • Delicious, Healthy Catered Food — Breakfast, Lunch, Dinner & Snacks
  • Breathwork, Movement Sessions & Ceremonies
  • Access To 650 Acres of Trails & Hikes During Your Stay — including a swimming pond & cedar hottub!

BONUS:  Immediate LIFETIME access to Kendra’s revolutionary 12-week, self-led Pleasure.Purpose.Power online program — which includes unique teachings & guided practices for pleasure, purpose, and power. ($997 value)

Pricing includes lodging, nourishing meals & snacks, all teaching, full use of Whispertree Retreat Center, access to swimming pond. 

It does not include transportation to/from the retreat location.

Frequently Asked Questions

What does "shared accommodations" mean?

You can see more about the various accommodation options on the Whispertree site HERE.

Each participant will have their own bed, but will share a room (limited “Solo Room” spots are also available). And there are shared bathrooms for all rooming options.

Some of the lodging options are more secluded & immersed in nature, some are closer to the dining & practice area.  Please let us know if you have any physical needs or limitations we should be aware of when making room assignments.

While we may not be able to accommodate all preferences (and all options are very cozy, with beautiful amenities), we will do our best to meet any physical needs participants may have when assigning rooms.

What airports are nearby?

The retreat is located in Boonville, CA. Nearby airports include:

  • Santa Rosa (STS)
  • Sacramento (SMF)
  • San Francisco (SFO)
  • Oakland (OAK)

By car, Boonville is about 2.5 hours from San Francisco and about 3-3.5 hours from Sacramento.

What time does the retreat begin and end?

Arrival is on Wednesday afternoon, September 17, 2025.

On Sunday, September 21, we will have breakfast and then our closing circle will complete by 10:30am.

Are you able to accommodate dietary restrictions?

YES!!! Our amazing caterer creates art with food, including gluten-free, dairy-free, vegetarian, or other dietary needs.

Is Pleasure.Purpose.Power only for young(er) women, old(er) women, mothers, single women, etc...?

Pleasure.Purpose.Power is for all women. All ages.  All walks of life. 

We have had women in their 20s & in their 70s.  Gay, straight & bi women.  Women from all over the USA, as well as women from Europe, South America & Australia.  There are many mothers engaged in this work, as well as many single women, and women who have no desire to become mothers.

I’m happily married/partnered. Is this program still for me?


One of the biggest challenges I have seen in the women I work with is not creating time for pleasure, personal practices, or to follow their true passions once they are in relationship.  Your relationship(s) will suffer if you do not engage in this work, and your relationship(s) will thrive if you do!

Join Kendra for the Pleasure Purpose Power Immersive Retreat

September 17-21, 2025 | Boonville, CA

Your registration includes:

  • 4 Nights, 5 Days of gorgeous, cozy accommodations
  • Delicious, Healthy Catered Food — Breakfast, Lunch, Dinner & Snacks
  • Breathwork, Movement Sessions & Ceremonies
  • Access To 650 Acres of Trails & Hikes During Your Stay — including a swimming pond & cedar hottub!
  • BONUS: Immediate LIFETIME access to Kendra’s revolutionary 12-week, self-led Pleasure.Purpose.Power online program — which includes unique teachings & guided practices for pleasure, purpose, and power. ($997 value)

Pricing includes lodging, nourishing meals & snacks, all teaching, full use of Whispertree Retreat Center, access to swimming pond.  It does not include transportation to/from the retreat location.

Solo Room
$3,200 $2,700*

Shared Room
$2,100 $1,900*

* This offer ends May 1, 2025. Limited solo rooms available.

About Kendra Cunov

    Kendra is a truth-speaker & a magic-maker…

    Fiercely devoted to the earth, and deeply caring for all beings, Kendra has a profound love for the human experience in all its forms.

    She has been walking the path of authentic expression, embodied leadership, and devotional practice for over 20 years.

    Kendra founded The Collective: A Global Web of Women Devoted to Embodied Wholeness. She also co-founded Authentic World, as well as The Relationship & Intimacy Training Salon and The Art of Fearless Intimacy (with John Wineland), and pioneered the practice of Integral Circling and the Authentic Relating Movement.

    Kendra has worked with thousands of men, women, and couples in the areas of embodiment, authenticity, leadership, and full self-expression.

    Kendra brings a deep and genuine care for people, as well as an extraordinary depth of insight, in service of people living truly fulfilling lives.


    Praise for Kendra’s work

    “If I could only have one life coach in my back pocket for the rest of my life it would be Kendra!

    She has this amazing gift of being both a neutral mirror and the warmest nurturing energy I’ve ever experienced — a magical combo that fosters deep transformation while being trauma sensitive (which was important for me.)

    The depth of her wisdom and her SEEING is something I haven’t experienced often in my life – and this allowed me to feel truly met and championed in my range and in my power.” —Nadia Munla

    It really is a gift to be able to work so deeply with Kendra in such an intimate setting.

    She is an expert at creating a wonderful container and leading you on a journey. Coaches are everywhere in the Bay Area and I have met plenty who don’t live a life aligned with what they teach. I don’t demand perfection, but I will only work with a coach who is speaking from a place of deep knowing. Kendra is 100% that person and brings so much wisdom and integrity to everything she does. Her background is very different from mine and I really appreciate that she brings that different perspective and experience. She is also very intuitive and may know what you need before you see it.” —L.M.

    “Kendra is a fiercely loving force that any woman would benefit from working with.

    I have never seen anyone so devoted to the betterment of relating, both to ourselves and others. She is a truly inspiring force and a wellspring of wisdom and knowledge. If you want to improve the ways in which you relate to yourself and to others then working with Kendra is one of the greatest gifts you can ever give yourself.”

    Giovanna Capozza, Transformation Teacher & Coach

    “I am living the life of my dreams thanks to {Kendra}…I am forever indebted.”
    —Nicholette Routhier, Artist, Coach & Intuitive

    Thank you Kendra, I love you. I don’t have enough words to convey my gratitude. You’ve helped me save my own life. Your steadfastness in believing/knowing my trustworthiness (as an example for me to follow myself, with myself) is the greatest gift I can imagine receiving. I am deeply grateful for you.

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