Completion & Creation

A guided two-part class series on completing 2023 and setting your intentions for 2024



Completion & Celebration

Originally recorded: Friday, December 29, 2023 from 11am-1pm PT

Most of us spend all our time looking forward: What’s next? What do I still need to do? What do I want to create next? How can I improve in the future?

What gets lost is truly coming to completion with what has been: Where have we been? What have we done? What is there to celebrate? What is there to grieve & let go of? What have we already accomplished? 

In this 2-hour class Kendra will guide you through practices for fully completing 2023.

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Creating from Devotion

Originally recorded: Friday, January 5, 2023 from 11am-1pm PT

Through fully completing what has been, we create space for what we most deeply desire to arise.

In that space, it’s easy for surface desires to take over, and to get caught up in what the over-culture seems to be saying we should want.

In this 2-hour class, Kendra will guide you through a deep & embodied process of connecting to your Deeper Devotion, in order to offer you a compass to guide your way through the coming year.

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About Kendra Cunov

Founder of The Collective: A Global Web of Women Devoted to Embodied Wholeness, Kendra Cunov has been studying, facilitating, and practicing authentic relating, embodiment practices and deep intimacy work for over fifteen years.

Kendra has worked with thousands of men, women and couples in the areas of embodiment, intimacy, communication and full self-expression. She co-founded Authentic World and Fierce Grace, as well as The Embodied Relationship Training Salon (with John Wineland), and pioneered some of the most cutting edge relational work on the planet.

She works with organizations and leaders, as well as men, women and couples, who know that embodied presence, truth, connection and integrity are our truest access points to success – in business and in love.

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